Good morning Archers,
We have a winner!!!!
Congratulations to SCOTT MUSSETT! He won a $25 Lancaster Gift Card! Thank you so much to everyone who entered the contest!
Classes begin NEXT WEEK!
It is TIME to register for classes for September. We are offering many 1st time classes this month for new archers. There are also classes for more advanced archers. To register for classes, click here.
Do you want to just come out and shoot on your own without being in a class? Members of Central Texas Archery can come shoot during our open range time. Click here to become a member today!
Roof Raising Resumes Soon
The storage building moves closer to completion. Work has been stalled for a bit as our chief construction engineer traveled to the Buckeye Classic and now is with his family while his dad undergoes heart surgery. Our thoughts are with him and his family for a successful procedure and speedy recovery. We hope to resume work this weekend. We will post an update on Facebook and volunteers would be greatly appreciated so the building is finished and ready for classes to begin Tuesday!
Buckeye Shootout
Congratulations to the archers who traveled to Ohio and competed last weekend. There were some weather delays but those of us who did not go, are all jealous of the cooler weather you had up there!
Upcoming Events
September 4: Classes Begin!
– We will begin offering classes on September 4th. Head over to to see the schedule and find a class for you!
September 9: BBQ and Open Shoot
– We had so much fun we want to do it again! Let’s celebrate the beginning of classes (and hopefully the beginning of cooler weather)! Details to come soon but expect a similar format of shooting first with a potluck following.
October 20-21: CTA Inside Out Fall Tournament
– This will be an indoor style tournament held outside. All participants will shoot at 18 meters to kick off the beginning of indoor season.
– Registration is NOW OPEN. Click here for more info and to register!
FUNdraising Continues!
Thank you to our supporters who have donated! We are approaching the half way mark to our goal!
We have now begun writing grants for equipment and for costs associated with building our indoor range. Every donation that you give can be used to show matching funds which will greatly increase our chances of receiving grants! The cost for equipment is $20,000. This is where we need your help. You donation to Central Texas Archery will be 100% used to purchase bows, targets, and other essentials of shooting AND is tax deductible! We can accept donations via cash, check, or by credit card with Paypal. We will be updating our website and Facebook pages to show the progress we are making. Contact Kat at (512) 689-4103 or by email at to make a donation.
Happy Shooting!
Kat, Jessica, and Eric
Central Texas Archery